Join Us!

Connect with us to find out if we’re a match!

Become more successful by leveraging our affordable, private office space, mentors, business services and serendipitous opportunities.

Let us know a little about yourself and we’ll be in touch soon!

Meet the


On-staff mentors and an environment of knowledgeable tenants to grow together

Guided by Growth and Taco Thursday

Who Are We?

We are entrepreneurs, dreamers, creatives, builders, idea mavens, thinkers, doers, leaders and visionaries. WE ARE DRIVEN. We have a company, clients, and excitement. We’ve started — and we now realize we need help from those that have been here before. We, in return, will help others grow.


The Perfect environment to cultivate success for start-up and young businesses.

A space for optimizing your productivity, workflow, and ultimately fast-tracking your success in business and in fulfillment in life.

Companies grow with Co:Lab enriched through an experienced community.

Founders Talks

Each month Co:Lab invites a seasoned entrepreneur to discuss their area of expertise. They cover their ups and downs and give insightful advice for young entrepreneurs. These are folks that have been there, done that, and as a result have something we can all learn. These are open to all our member companies and alumni.

Nitty Gritty

The Nitty Gritty: All the things that should keep you up at night, but you’re probably ignoring. Our leadership has been through it and they are here to educate from their experiences. You’ll learn about accounting, payroll, employee management, HR, benefits, IT/technology and many other key requirements for sustainable growth that are easy to forget about as your business grows.

Taco Thursday

Is it a verb? A noun? Does it leap tall buildings? No, it’s just a thing we do the first Thursday of each month. People, friends, coworkers, fans of different teams all brought together in peace by tacos and Thursdays.


We want early stage high-growth companies. Our mission is to help these companies become more successful by providing affordable, private office space, mentors, business services and serendipitous opportunities. Our goal further expands to develop companies that will employ more people from our area; companies that will benefit our community.


Our leaders care about your business and want to watch you succeed in business to ultimately lead to a fulfilling life. They will see the blind spots you’re missing to help you navigate towards a faster, forward moving path. 

FloridaWest Economic Development Alliance works to connect the assets, resources and skilled workforce of the Greater Pensacola region with business and industry to build a thriving industrial and professional community for the ongoing economic growth and prosperity of the region

Patrick Rooney

Director of Entrepreneurial Development

Open Position

Office Manager

Policy Board

The Policy Board acts as advisors for our CO:LAB members. They evaluate and develop the policies that govern CO:LAB and ensure its efforts tie into our entrepreneurial strategy.

Curious to find out more?

Start a conversation with us to see how we can help you become productive and profitable to grow and reach your potential.

